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(China Daily) Updated: 2017-08-10 08:35


Crops survive arrival of locusts

The demolition of five illegal greenhouses released about 100,000 locusts onto farms in Feixian county on July 13. Sheng Yongling, 52, built the enclosures to breed edible locusts and had cultivated about 1,500 kilograms, worth more than 50,000 yuan ($7,455). According to the county agriculture bureau, the locusts raised by Sheng have adapted to the greenhouse environment and cannot survive in the wild. A bureau official said the government has found no damage to local crops.

Police look after stray Samoyed

Police in Qingdao are looking for the owner of a Samoyed that they have been looking after for more than a month. The dog was found by a local traffic police officer, who took it back to the police station on June 26. Police have fed the dog treats such as biscuits and pork ribs, and one officer joked that they would no longer be able to afford to look after it if the owner is not found.

Liaoshen Evening News


Driver hides son in trunk on highway

Traffic police in Hunan found a 1.83-meter-tall man hiding in the trunk of his father's vehicle on an expressway on July 31. The car has a capacity of five people. The driver and four of his senior relatives occupied the seats in the vehicle, so he asked his son to hide in the trunk to avoid a traffic police check. The driver received six penalty points and a fine of 200 yuan ($30).


Gamer steals money from cars

An unemployed 21-year-old man, surnamed Yang, was recently detained after smashing the windows of four luxury cars to steal a total of 200 yuan ($15 yuan) to spend on playing online games. Yang walked more than 20 kilometers in 40 C heat before causing damage totaling more than 4,000 yuan. He was detained shortly after committing the crimes.

Qianjiang Evening News


Child locked inside vehicle in 40 C heat

A 1-year-old toddler was rescued by firefighters after being accidentally locked inside a car by its mother in the city's Huangpu district on July 26. Firefighters arrived at the scene after the mother reported the incident, smashing a car window to remove the child as quickly as possible, with temperatures having soared to 40 C that day. The child was unharmed in the incident.

Shanghai Daily

'Cabbie' uses phony license, cloned taxi

An unlicensed taxi driver, surnamed Cao, has been placed in a detention house for 10 days as punishment for being caught using a forged license on Jiangsu Road on July 21. Cao was detained when he failed to show police his driver's license after being stopped as part of a routine inspection. Police also found that the appearance of the man on the operating license in the cab did not match that of the driver. On closer inspection, it was discovered that the photo on the card was of Japanese celebrity Satoshi Ohno. Cao later confessed to buying the cloned taxi and fake operating license together online at the cost of more than 10,000 yuan ($1,490).

Shanghai Daily


Man punished over fake cop uniform

A man in Nanjing was recently placed in a detention house as punishment for wearing a counterfeit police uniform. Hu, 21, was detained while walking along a busy street after police officers realized that his uniform, number and badge were fake. Hu admitted to purchasing the uniform online, saying that he wanted to become a police officer but failed the entrance examination. Hu said he disliked the job his parents arranged for him and lied to them after purchasing the uniform, saying that he had been recruited by the police department.

Modern Express Daily

91-year-old robbed of 6,500 yuan

A 68-year-old woman, surnamed Wang, who stole 6,500 yuan ($970) from a 91-year-old man, surnamed He, was detained in Yixing on July 24. He sought police help after he was robbed while walking home after withdrawing money from a bank at about 10 am on July 18. Wang fled the scene after robbing He, but was detained six days later after police launched an investigation. The money was found in Wang's home.

Modern Express Daily


No verdict reached in brick death case

Jinghu District People's Court has yet to pass a verdict following a public hearing in Wuhu on July 25 in which family members of a motorcycle rider, who was killed after being hit by brick that fell from a building, asked for 526,671 yuan ($78,525) in compensation. A total of 176 people from 96 households living above the second floor in a 32-story residential building were taken to court. Forensic scientists confirmed the man had been killed by a falling brick in October, but none of the residents have admitted to throwing a brick.

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