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Japan still trying to erase its shame for wartime atrocities

(China Daily USA) Updated: 2018-05-02 10:19

The removal of a public statue in Manila, which was erected last December and commemorates Filipino "comfort women" of World War II, has sparked fury and concern across the globe.

Can Japan really whitewash its country's World War II atrocities, especially its war crimes against sex slaves?

"This monument is a reminder of the Filipino women who were victims of abuses during the occupation by the Japanese forces from 1942-1945. It took a while before they came out into the open to tell their stories," read the inscription on the monument, which featured a blindfolded Filipino woman in a traditional gown.

News reports said the bronze statue was removed from its Roxas Boulevard site around 8 pm local time on Friday. Debris left behind was fenced in behind makeshift barriers.

Japan still trying to erase its shame for wartime atrocities

Two weeks ago, a department of public works and highways backhoe was spotted parked beside the memorial, stirring speculation that the statue was to be demolished by the government under pressure from Japan.

Despite opposition from local women's rights organizations, the government said the memorial was removed so that pipes could be laid underground.

"In a systematic and worldwide attempt to erase its war crimes, Japan successfully pressured the Philippines to remove the 'comfort women' memorial in Manila," said a statement issued on Saturday by the California-based Comfort Women Justice Coalition (CWJC), a grassroots, multiethnic and multinational group that seeks compensation and justice for World War II sex slaves and their families.

In 2017, the CWJC unveiled a memorial titled Comfort Women: Column of Strength in San Francisco.

"The memorial symbolizes our international resolve never to let that atrocity be repeated, and the memorial is also a reverent testament to all those who have been victims of sexual violence and sex trafficking."

Japan has allegedly pressured the Philippine government to remove the memorial using its "financial support" to the country as leverage, according to CWJC.

Using money to erase its war crimes has become a pattern for the Japanese government, which has pressured UNESCO over its membership dues not to accept a "Comfort Women" dossier submitted by a team of eight countries, it continued.

The Japanese Embassy in Manila said the Philippine government had notified them before taking the statue away. In January, Japan's internal affairs and communications minister Seiko Noda visited Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte to express displeasure over the memorial.

The Philippine government afterward sent conflicting messages over whether it supported advocacy efforts on behalf of the comfort women.

Duterte said in January that he could not curtail the freedom of expression demonstrated by the "comfort women" advocacy groups. However, his Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Cayetano said the Philippines can't strengthen its relationship with Japan if it keeps inflaming the "comfort women" issue, which he said was considered "settled".

GABRIELA, a women's rights group, held a press conference on Saturday calling the statue removal "not acceptable."

"The City of Manila removed the Memorial without talking to the stakeholders," the group said in a statement. "Congress should investigate the process of how the Memorial was removed."

"I'm very sad, very devastated," said one GABRIELA member. "I will demand the government of the Philippines sets up a larger memorial for the dignity of the victims."

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(China Daily USA 05/02/2018 page2)

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