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US has no right to poke nose in Xinjiang

By Wang Yu (CHINA DAILY) Updated: 2019-11-28 00:00

Some Western media outlets have been sensationalizing the "human rights" issue in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region of China. And certain US politicians have concocted the so-called Uygur Human Rights Policy Act of 2019, according to which restrictions could be imposed on Chinese enterprises and government agencies, and sanctions slapped on officials. Which is a blatant interference in China's internal affairs.

These self-proclaimed champions of human rights have never visited Xinjiang and are totally ignorant of the real condition in the region. No wonder they have fabricated fake news and are trying to smear Xinjiang's and therefore China's achievements in the fight against terrorism and extremism.

Safeguarding people's right to life, health and development is the basis of upholding all other human rights. Until 2016, Xinjiang witnessed repeated terrorist attacks, which seriously disrupted the social order and trampled on the basic human rights of all ethnic groups in the region.

Terrorists, separatists and religious extremists had been active from 1990 to 2016, during which they carried out thousands of attacks killing many innocent people and police officers and destroying valuable public and private property. These bloody attacks deserve to be condemned by all.

Confronted with such brutal atrocity, the Xinjiang authorities with the active help of the central government took decisive and forceful measures to clamp down on terrorists and extremists, as well as to prevent terrorist attacks. Since the authorities took the decisive measures more than three years ago, Xinjiang has not seen a single terrorist attack, and the number of criminal and public security cases has plummeted. Besides, the spread of extremism and terrorism has been effectively contained while public security has markedly improved, allowing people to pursue a better life.

Only when people's safety is ensured can we talk about other human rights. And Xinjiang has set an example in this regard by cracking down on terrorism in order to safeguard people's human rights.

Why didn't the politicians in the United States talk about human rights when Xinjiang was in the grip of terrorism, and terrorists were indiscriminately killing people? Why have they chosen to talk about human rights now when peace and order have been restored in Xinjiang?

Is it because those US politicians' only goal is to create trouble for China, and use human rights as a ruse to interfere in China's internal affairs?

Expectedly, these US politicians and some media outlets have turned a blind eye to China's achievements in the global "war on terror", especially its successful crackdown on terrorists in Xinjiang. Due to their blinkered vision, the US politicians claim China's measures and actions against the terrorists are a violation of human rights while conveniently forgetting that racial discrimination and gun violence in the US are one of the worst forms of human rights violation.

People leading a happy life and pursuing prosperity is the highest form of human rights. Guided by people-centric development, the Xinjiang regional government is committed to not only safeguarding but also enhancing people's welfare by improving the education and healthcare sectors, and creating more jobs.

From 2016 to last year, 1.4 million urban jobs (in person-time terms) were created while rural employment increased by 8.3 million person times. The nine-year free compulsory education program covers the whole of Xinjiang, while three-year free preschool education has been introduced in southern Xinjiang. Free health checkups and medical insurance for critical illnesses have been provided for all residents in Xinjiang, and the centralized treatment for 15 serious illnesses and contracted services to treat chronic diseases cover all distressed rural residents.

Moreover, the social security system has continuously improved and the subsistence allowances for urban and rural residents facing financial difficulties have been raised.

People in Xinjiang today are more united than ever against terrorism, separatism and religious extremism, laying a solid social foundation for the implementation of measures to combat extremism.

Facts speak louder than words. Xinjiang has enjoyed unprecedented peace and development over the past more than three years, with the tourism sector registering massive growth. In the first 10 months of this year alone, Xinjiang recorded more than 200 million visits. Visitors have voted with their feet to acknowledge Xinjiang's successful fight against terrorism and extremism, and efforts to improve people's well-being and thus safeguard their human rights.

This shows that China can meet any challenges, including those posed by terrorism and religious fundamentalism with confidence and determination. And people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang are enjoying the dividends of a stable and peaceful Xinjiang. The nosy US politicians would do well to mind their own business and refrain from interfering in China's internal affairs.

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