China / Sports

Cashing in on fan culture

[2017-07-27 06:59]

Sport may be enjoying an unprecedented boom in China, but the country's growing fan bases still represent an untapped gold mine for clubs, cities and regions, according to industry insiders.

Davis: Pelicans tired of losing

[2017-07-27 06:59]

NEW ORLEANS - Anthony Davis says New Orleans Pelicans are "tired of losing" and have the roster to do something about it.

No limits to learning for dedicated teacher

[2017-07-27 06:59]

URUMQI, Xinjiang - China's grassroots soccer push is still in its infancy but one dedicated soul has been resolutely plowing that furrow for the last 41 years in one of the country's most rural and underdeveloped areas.

England's big guns reload as transfer arms race heats up

[2017-07-27 06:59]

LONDON - Premier League spending looks certain to shatter all previous records before the current transfer window closes as England's superpowers reload in an increasingly frenzied arms race.

Spurs chief slams 'unsustainable' spending

[2017-07-27 06:59]

The spending by Premier League clubs in the current transfer window is unsustainable, Tottenham Hotspur chairman Daniel Levy said on Tuesday.

Sun shines brighter in Budapest

[2017-07-27 06:59]

BUDAPEST - Chinese superstar Sun Yang won the men's 200m freestyle gold at the World Aquatics Championships on Tuesday to add to his Olympic title in the same event.

World records don't have much shelf life

[2017-07-27 06:59]

BUDAPEST - The world championships came alive on Tuesday as Lilly King of the United States won the women's 100m breaststroke title in one of three record-setting swims at the end of a breathtaking evening session.

Ledecky learning to let experience work its magic

[2017-07-27 06:59]

BUDAPEST - Katie Ledecky, the brilliant 20-year-old American freestyler, is now older and wiser when it comes to completing one of swimming's most punishing session schedules.


[2017-07-27 06:59]

Ice Hockey

Fame, set and match for Zhuhai

[2017-07-25 07:43]

With China trying to fill the void left by the retirement of two-time Grand Slam champion Li Na, the nation's host cities of world-class tournaments are upping their game in a bid to better promote the sport.

NHL comes at a cost

[2017-07-25 07:43]

Chinese hockey fans will shell out big bucks for the best view of flying pucks in Shanghai and Beijing next month.

How Swede it is for Arvidsson in Nashville

[2017-07-25 07:43]

The Nashville Predators are making sure they keep Viktor Arvidsson around, re-signing the forward who made the second-biggest scoring jump in the NHL last season to a seven-year deal worth $29.75 million.
