sharing the Olympic spirit

The Greeks come bearing praise
(China Daily)
Updated: 2007-08-08 11:28


Comparisons are not necessarily odious; they can sometimes be obligatory.

So a check with top Greek officials associated with the last Games in Athens - who have passed on their experience - is instructional on benchmarking the progress Beijing has made in its preparations.

"We gathered a wealth of knowledge, expertise and know-how from our 2004 experience, (and) we are more than willing and happy to pass those on to China, hoping it will contribute to a very successful 2008 Games," Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis told China Daily in May.

"Hosting the Games is certainly a challenge (for Beijing), but I am convinced it will be a great success," said Bakoyannis, who has visited China several times and was the mayor of Athens when the Olympics was staged.

"China hasn't repeated our mistake of starting late. The construction of the venues has been rapid," she said, adding that the simultaneous improvement in general infrastructure is "remarkable".

"I sincerely hope that by the end of the 2008 Olympics, the Chinese people, like the Greeks, will have memories tied intimately to the Olympic spirit of friendship and working with each other toward a common and worthy goal."

Greek State Ministry Secretary General of Information Panos Livadas, an organizer of the Athens Games who has visited China repeatedly over the last three years upon the invitation of the Chinese Government and other authorities such as BOCOG, echoes her sentiments.

"I have to say that the progress made is quite impressive. In terms of infrastructure, for example, the preparations have come a long way and I am confident that the Games will be hosted in state-of-the-art venues, like the National Stadium or the Qinhuangdao Olympic Sports Center Stadium.

"Most importantly, however, I am delighted to see the growing enthusiasm of the people, the great anticipation, the outpouring of volunteers."

He said he is excited about the Beijing Games and hopes China will "seize the day" to show the world both its rich ancient heritage and its modern profile".

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