sharing the Olympic spirit
OLYMPICS/ self introduction

Throngs of praise for nominees
(China Daily/Olympian)
Updated: 2007-11-01 23:20


Editor's note:

In order to pay tribute to those who supported the "Lenovo-sponsored Olympic torchbearer nominee selection among foreigners living in China" program by voting and cheering for their favorite candidates, The Olympian is highlighting some of the comments written by voters. About 20 percent of the voters left comments during the campaign.

Even if you don't get to carry the Olympic torch, you carry the torch every day for all of the children left in orphanages! You are an inspiration and a real life hero. Thank you and all of our adopted daughters, for taking care of their "sisters" in China.  -- Maxine Wolf supporting winner Jenny Bowen


We are proud to know someone from our country will run with the symbol of sportsmanship! You are one of the reasons why we are proud to be PINOY!  -- Rodora Lopez supporting Marcos Torres



Teach your friends in China what you taught me -- sport for life support . We count on you.

Bonifacius supporting Werner Ebel


Good luck Meena! I am from Pakistan but will be more than happy to see an Indian girl carrying the Olympic torch as we are from the same region.

Majid supporting Meena Barot

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