OLYMPICS / Olympic Nation

Food for Beijing Olympics 'perfectly safe'

Updated: 2008-07-31 21:25


"We are completely capable of guaranteeing food safety for the Olympics in accordance with our national standards," she added.

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All meat, dairy products and eggs supplied to the Olympic Village that will house and feed some 16,000 people during the Games had met the standards and were safe to eat, Tang said.

Kang Yi, chief of the catering division for the Olympics organizing committee, also expressed her confidence in food safety.

Asked why the US Olympic team decided to use their own food, as the US media had reported earlier this year, Kang said no athletes would be allowed to bring their own food into the Olympic village in line with international practice.

The US Olympic delegation is staying at the Beijing Normal University.

Xu Kang, Vice Counsel and spokesman of Beijing Municipal Bureau of Commerce, said the city had diversified supply channels in order to guarantee constant and stable supplies of grain, cooking oil, meat, poultry products and vegetables during the Olympics.

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