OLYMPICS / Athlete’s Blog

Yao Ming's NBA road

Updated: 2008-08-04 10:19


The first Confrontation with the best Center in NBA, Shaquille O'Neal January 18, 2003. It was named “Yao’s shark War”. Yao finally helped the Rockets beat the Lakers 108-104,Yao Ming winning in this contest with O'Neal.

The first experience of Yao in All-Stars games didn't impressed people too much, but Yao still attracted a lot of media attention as the first one selected.

Yao Ming's most unforgettable moment. Following the tradition of men’s basketball heholding the Olympic flag of Chinese Olympic delegation at the Opening ceremony on 2004 Athens Olympic Games.

During the 2004 Athens Olympic Games, Yao Ming helped Chinese Men's Basketball team into the former 8, successfully reaching their goal. Meanwhile, the relationship between Yao ming and Ye Li went public for the first time.

The Houston Rockets signed the Point Leader of NBA Tracy McGrady, and the well known group of Yao and McGrady was born. However, they were not able to get breakthrough for the Rockets.

After seven-year relationship, Yao Ming and Ye Li finally got married in August, 2007.

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