OLYMPICS / Olympic Nation

BOCOG chief: Beijing to offer high-level Olympic Games

Updated: 2008-08-05 00:12


BEIJING--Liu Qi, president of the Beijing Organizing Committee of the 29th Olympic Games (BOCOG), said here on Monday that Beijing will offer the world a high-level Olympics, which opens on August 8.

Liu made the remarks in a speech at the opening ceremony of the 120th session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) attended by Chinese President Hu Jintao and IOC President Jacques Rogge.

"The curtain will soon rise for the Beijing Olympic Games," Liu said. "We are confident that under the direct leadership of the Chinese government, with the support of the IOC, and with the assistance of all our friends, Beijing will offer the world a high-level Olympic Games with distinguishing features and a grand celebration of sport and culture to promote friendship and cooperation among all peoples."

He said Beijing, now "a city of Olympics", is ready for the world's most important sports gala."With the Olympic elements blended into its unique classical beauty and modern charm, Beijing has become a city of sport, a city of culture and a city of Olympics.

"All venues and facilities are now in operation, and all staff are in their posts. Volunteers and Beijing residents are greeting athletes and friends from all over the world with welcoming smiles.

"Now we are proud to say: Beijing is ready!"

Liu recalled the moment in 2001 when Beijing won the bid to host the 29th Olympics, saying China's century-old dream was coming true.

Liu also extended his warm welcome to the guests and friends in Beijing and also offered thanks to all those organizations which have showed their support to the Beijing Olympic Games.

"I would also like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to the IOC, the International Federations, the National Olympic Committees, the IOC partners and sponsors as well as other members of the Olympic Family for their generous support to the Beijing Olympic Games," the BOCOG chief said.

Liu Peng, president of the Chinese Olympic Committee, also promised at the IOC session that the Beijing Olympics will be a celebration for the whole world.

"The Chinese Olympic Committee is greatly honored, and we will do our utmost to make the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games a grand celebration for the athletes and people throughout the world," he said.

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