sharing the Olympic spirit

India to ensure safe passage of Olympic torch: FM
Updated: 2008-04-04 18:00


NEW DELHI -- Indian Foreign Minister Pranab Mukherjee said India will ensure the safe passage of the Olympic torch through the country and will not permit any anti-China activity by Tibetans on Indian soil, The Hindu newspaper reported Friday.

In a telephone conversation with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi Wednesday evening, Mukherjee reiterated India's stand that the Tibet Autonomous Region is part of China.

In the conversation, Yang briefed Mukherjee on the situation in Tibet and said China appreciates the steps taken by India to ensure the safety and security of Chinese diplomatic and consular establishments as well as Chinese citizens in India. He said he was confident that the passage of the Olympic torch through India would be smooth.

Yang also pointed out the good momentum imparted to bilateral relations, especially with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's successful visit to China earlier this year. He added that he will work with Mukherjee to make bilateral relations more substantive.

Mukherjee said he looked forward to working together with Yang to implement the main elements of the joint document on the two nations' shared vision for the 21st century, which was signed by the premiers of the two countries during Singh's visit to China.

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