sharing the Olympic spirit
OLYMPICS/ Relay Cities

Olympic flame enhances understanding, friendship
Updated: 2008-04-30 19:44


Nguyen Danh Thai, chairman of Vietnam's Olympic Committee who ran as the last torch bearer, lights the cauldron after the Olympic torch relay in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, April 29, 2008. [Xinhua] 

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has stood by China.

IOC President Jacques Rogge has told the West to be fair with China and to stop hectoring China over human rights.

"That is the big mistake of people in the West wanting to adding their views," he told Saturday's Financial Times.

Kim Jong Kil, chairman of South Korea's Olympic Committee, expressed his belief that the Beijing Games will be the most successful in history.

"It is not appropriate to disrupt the flame's relay, let alone boycott the Beijing Olympic Games," Kim said.

The sacred Olympic torch will continue its journey in Hong Kong on May 2 and in Macao on May 3.  The relay on the Chinese mainland start on May 4.

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