Information is power indeed

(China Daily)
Updated: 2008-05-14 07:29

The timely disclosure of exact information during the earthquake has lent a strong hand to help those hit by the disaster, says an article in People's Daily. The following is an excerpt:

Ever since the earthquake rocked Wenchuan county in Sichuan province Monday afternoon, the whole country has been feeling the shocks. Together with the bad news about the quake, people also hear a lot about how the disaster is being dealt with.

President Hu Jintao instantly called for all-out efforts to save the injured and reduce the impact of the damage caused by the havoc. Premier Wen Jiabao flew to the disaster-hit area within hours of the quake. A headquarters was set up to supervise the relief work and several ministries and central government branches rushed equipment, materials and rescue teams to the disaster-hit areas rightaway.

Within hours, the State Seismological Bureau and the local seismological departments held several press conferences to keep the media, as well as the public, posted about the latest information.

Instead of spreading panic or fear, all these actions eased people's nervousness and instilled calm and confidence in their minds to overcome the disaster.

Since May 1, all government departments are required to disclose information to the public in accordance with the Regulations on Disclosure of Information, which is an important part of attempts to create a transparent government.

On May 12, we lost thousands of our fellow-countrymen to the earthquake, leading us to shed our tears for them. But the day also brings us some kind of relief in the midst of all the bitterness. The country is more confident and more united in the face of tragedies caused by natural disasters, thanks to the disclosure of open and transparent information, a significant fruit of the reform of last three decades.

(China Daily 05/14/2008 page8)

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