OPINION> Commentary
From our archives
(China Daily)
Updated: 2008-06-17 07:45

June 13, 1983

Qinghai restores minority township administration

Six minority ethnic township governments - three Tibetan, two Mongolian and one Hui - have been set up in mid-May in Qinghai province.

There were 40 minority ethnic townships before the 1950s. According to provincial authorities, the restoration is part of an experimental restructuring of the province's rural administrative system.

Three new established Tibetan township governments have announced plans for the development of forestry and stock breeding based on their local traditions and natural conditions.

June 14, 1983

Major drive in south to combat coal shortage


Zhu Jianhua high-jumps at the Fifth National Games in Beijing on June 11. He set a new world high-jump record of 2.37 m at the preliminary competition for the games.

A major drive is to be launched to boost coal production in South China where many areas are suffering from shortages.

At present most of China's coal is produced in the north and often has to be transported distances of over 1,500 km to reach consumers in the south.

The main focus of the new drive will be Guizhou province, where coal production will be stepped up and transport facilities improved.

Scientists offer advice

Twenty American and Canadian scientists of Chinese descent are in Beijing taking part in a discussion on China's policies for science, technology and management.

Thirty-eight Chinese scientists also attended the symposium.

(China Daily 06/17/2008 page9)