From Chinese Press

A progress in social justice

(China Daily)
Updated: 2010-08-31 08:47
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The latest amendment to the Criminal Law considers adding employers who default on payment of wages of workers to the list of criminals. If this amendment is passed, it would be a great breakthrough in social justice, says a Xinhua article. Excerpts:

It is not uncommon to see migrant workers struggling to get their hard earned wages. If the latest amendment to the Criminal Law is passed by the National People's Congress Standing Committee, the country's top legislature, cheating employers will face legal action. It is one of the best ways of delivering justice to migrant workers and penalizing unscrupulous employers.

Every worker should get paid for the work he/she does. That's basic human rights. But some employers use the excuse of deficit or even bankruptcy to deny their workers wages and use their money to make more profit. Others hide their real assets to avoid paying wages to workers or even run away, leaving the poor souls to suffer. The behavior of employers who default on payment of wagesis a violation of civil rights, which undermines labor relations and social stability. Though there are rules in the Labor Law to protect migrant workers, they lack specific provisions of proper implementation. Guaranteeing workers their livelihood and implementing the law would be a progress in social justice.