From Chinese Press

An excuse that costs workers' dear

(China Daily)
Updated: 2010-09-15 08:58
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Some construction companies in Wuhan, Hubei province, have been paying only part of the wages to migrant workers in cash, and the rest in vouchers for food, cigarettes and/or liquor, says an article in Guangzhou Daily. Excerpts:

It is illegal to deduct migrant workers' wages and offer them food and other vouchers instead. A supervision bureau can't just say that it is "unaware" of such an unfair practice and wash its hands of the dirty affair, which is not restricted to Wuhan.

Though the Labor Law clearly stipulates that "wages shall be paid monthly to laborers themselves in the form of currency" and "wages paid to laborers shall not be deducted or delayed without justification", it does not necessarily mean unscrupulous companies will follow it.

Many local supervision bureaus have failed to ensure that companies pay their workers proper wages in time. The money the companies in Wuhan have been deducting from workers' wages is not a secret affair. It is well known to all, for the companies keep record of the cash and vouchers given to the workers.

The Wuhan supervision bureau officials are feigning "unawareness" because they didn't perform their duty. The workers tried to report the unfair practices to the local supervision bureau, but it did nothing. Local officials have used "unawareness" as an excuse but they are guilty of dereliction of duty.

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