From Chinese Press

A lesson in fair business

(China Daily)
Updated: 2010-10-12 09:24
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The signboard of the notorious nightclub Tianshangrenjian was removed recently. It was shut down following a crackdown on entertainment venues connected with the sex industry. This case once again shows that a person involved in illegal activities cannot escape the law for long, says an article on Xinhuanet. Excerpts:

The nightclub, one of the most famous in Beijing, once had a reputation for its cultivated hostesses and high-end customers. But it lost its charm and glory long ago and had become a venue notorious for selling sex.

The fate of Tianshangrenjian tells a story: An entertainment venue, regardless of its fame, is doomed if it breaks the law.

In fact, it was not ruined because of promoting a luxurious lifestyle and high-end living but because it was running a sex business to make huge profits. If it had continued to be just a nightclub it would be still drawing customers.

This is a hard lesson for other sectors like hotels, too. Running a business in accordance with the law is essential, because illegal acts always lead to doom, irrespective of whether they are supported by criminal gangs or officials.