From Chinese Press

US move on clean energy ironic

(China Daily)
Updated: 2010-10-22 07:52
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China has the right to promote its renewable energy industries. Hence, the United States has no business launching an investigation into the subsidy given by the Chinese government to its renewable energy sector, says an article in China Youth Daily. Excerpts:

Trade frictions between China and the US have surfaced again. On Oct 15, the Office of the US Trade Representative started an investigation into the subsidies granted by China to its renewable energy industries. That the US has started a probe under section 301 of the World Trade Organization's rules is the latest sign of its trade protectionist moves.

The US move is surprising, because it provides huge subsidies to its energy industries, including the renewable energy sector. These industries get subsidies on more than 2,300 items.

Since the US government decided to provide $25.2 billion in subsidies to its renewable energy industries last year, it has no right to start an investigation into those granted by China.

Moreover, the US has exported air blowers with a total capacity of 1.13 million kW to China till now, which is far more than what China has exported to the US. It's obvious that the US has the advantage in the clean energy trade between the two countries.

Subsidy is necessary to develop the clean energy sector, and promoting clean energy is the most effective way of saving energy and reducing carbon emissions.

As a responsible power, China promised at the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen that it would reduce its emissions, and one of the best ways of doing that is to hasten the development of solar, wind and nuclear energy. It's ironic for the US to urge other countries to reduce their emissions and then criticize them for developing their renewable energy sector.