A true symbol of honesty

Updated: 2012-02-09 08:11

(China Daily)

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Forty-five-year-old street cleaner Xu Fuying in Wuhan, Hubei province, wised up to more than 10 people who falsely claimed to have lost the wallet she had found while sweeping the street before returning it to the real owner. Given the pretension and greed that people have fallen prey to, it is important to inculcate righteousness and morality among them in order to build a truly harmonious society, says an article in Guangming Daily. Excerpts:

As members of society, we expect people to be honest and compassionate. But the real world today is different. So all of us have to make efforts to spread honesty and compassion, and to stay away from and condemn wrongdoings and vulgarity.

The simple-hearted street cleaner is symbol of thousands of years of Chinese history and traditional values, for she took the trouble of finding the real owner of the wallet when she could have easily kept it for herself.

And it's a shame that so many people jumped forward from among a crowd to claim something that was not theirs. The sick behavior of these "impostors" is a sign of demoralization and should be condemned.

(China Daily 02/09/2012 page9)