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China's path is unique

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-03-18 21:12

The annual two sessions of China's legislators and top political advisors provide a good opportunity to debate and consider China's foreign and domestic affairs, says an article in the People's Daily. Excerpts:

China is facing pressing challenges — a consequence of the country's progress, not its decline.

Chinese farmers currently enjoy more freedom than ever before in how to make their living. The modernity of some Chinese cities are comparable to famous international cities. China is full of vitality.

The Chinese government's report touches on almost all the problems faced by China. Discussing problems openly is the first step to finding solutions. A large number of the Chinese middle-class are connected to the world by the Internet and many young students go abroad for their education.

The Chinese government cannot afford the type of empty talk we hear from Washington. It has to try its best to keep the fastest and largest developing country in the world on the right track. It is more difficult to rule a country with a 1.3 billion population than to focus on endless empty talk in the capital of the only super power in the modern world.

Chinese people are intelligent. They will improve their efficiency to solve problems. Peaceful development is the basic principle for China's solution to various domestic and foreign problems.

China is proud of its achievements. But China does not think its path, or model if any, can be copied anywhere else. China's policies today are influenced by its traditional culture and long history. China's path is unique.

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