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What's the buzz

China Daily | Updated: 2013-04-23 08:12

Disasters often bring out the best in people, and many stories and images from Ya'an in Sichuan province, which was devastated by a magnitude -7.0 earthquake on Saturday, have deeply moved us. What has touched you the most and what do you want to say to survivors? China Daily's mobile phone news readers share their views:

What moved me most was an anesthetist who carried a patient away from the operating room when the earthquake hit Ya'an. Our medical staff are always on the front line in such disasters, they were there during the SARS outbreak in 2003, after the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, and now after the Ya'an quake. They are not only angels in white, but also ordinary citizens who show the utmost respect for life. We should all honor the efforts of medical staff and pray for people in the quake-battered areas.

XIAOMAOCHEZHAN, Changsha, Hunan province

People in Ya'an should have faith that everyone in China is by their side. We have excellent resources and brave soldiers and kindhearted people to help all the people in the quake-hit areas. Also, we are all closely following not only news reports but also real-time micro blogs that inform Chinese people of the situation in Sichuan. Be strong, Ya'an!

XIAOMO, Zhangzhou, Fujian province

After the earthquake, the rescuers who rushed to the quake-hit areas to seize those first 72 hours that offer the best chance of survival that have moved me the most. Special wishes go to my former classmates who are studying in Sichuan province. Good luck, Ya'an!

XIAOWANG, Taian, Shandong province

People lining up in the street to donate blood was the most touching scene for me. As long as we unite together, the strong warmth of compassion can comfort the hearts that have been wounded by the natural disaster. No matter how catastrophic the disaster is, we can build a physical and emotional shelter to protect people in Ya'an and help them survive.

A READER, Shiyan, Hubei province

I was moved by the image of a girl in Ya'an who was injured in the quake but was not afraid and kept on smiling. Since everywhere is in ruins and local people are suffering after the quake, a smiling face will definitely give people encouragement. There is no way to avoid natural disasters, but nothing is invincible as long as we unite as one and muster all our strength and resolve. Pray for Ya'an and Lushan.

A READER, Chongqing

After the quake local people launched their own rescue efforts, followed by PLA soldiers who rushed to the disaster area as soon as possible with top leaders and local officials directing the rescue and relief operations. Saving lives through scientific rescue methods and maintaining social stability in the quake-hit areas has been given top priority. Also, it is guaranteed that rescue channels will remain clear and more material supplies and medical aid are being sent to the area. The Chinese people will never surrender to such disasters. United, we are a strong fortress that can withstand such misfortunes!

CHENWANJING, Lanzhou, Gansu province

It seems that local people, including small children in Ya'an are extremely strong and they have remained unruffled. Premier Li Keqiang visited the disaster zone in the middle of his heavy work schedule, which demonstrates our leaders' humanitarian spirit and delivers positive social energy. I sincerely pray and believe that people in the quake-affected areas will get through this with the love and help of people from all walks of life.


The photo, widely circulated on weibo, of a strong-willed little girl who was able to smile in the face of the disaster, a female news anchor who stayed at her post in her wedding dress, the ordinary but great mother who saved her son by single-handedly moving an incredibly heavy stone slab and the tireless medical workers have all touched my heart. I want to tell people in Ya'an to be strong and hold on, we are there to support you!

RUOYU, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang province

(China Daily 04/23/2013 page9)

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