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Yasukuni Shrine shames Abe

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-04-23 19:22

Japanese politicians visiting a shrine to militarism are taking the wrong path, says an article in People's Daily (excerpts below).

Japan's Kyodo news reports Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made a ceremonial offering to the infamous Yasukuni Shrine that honors Japanese war criminals.

Other Tokyo government officials frequently visit the shrine.

After his election last year, Abe has indulged in tricks in foreign affairs to win more support from the international community for Japan to regain its status as a normal state. He talks about peace but his behavior regarding the shrine tells another story.

He does not think wartime Japan did anything wrong.

This attitude is of deep concern to the region and the world. All nations should be vigilant to such a "forgetful Japan".

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