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Clean air requires quick action

By SDIvester | bbs.chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2013-09-11 10:45

Nobody likes dirty air and water but with the modernization comes pollution, or does it? In our rush to make life easier, society decided to go blindly into the future without a thought of the ramifications. The results have been great profits for individuals who have invested their time and money in ventures that have improved the quality of life for many. The side effect in some cases has been a pollutant in the air and or water that all must endure.

If we can create pollution, then we can erase it also. The problem is time and money. Time and money just happens to be the investment that the creators of the pollution made to make life better for all. So they screwed up a little or a lot in some cases.

The US had problems similar to what China is facing now, Industry Going Amuck. The results left scars on the land, dirty air and water, land so polluted nobody can live on it. Finally the government opened their eyes and said NO MORE POLLUTION to these INDUSTRIES. Strict laws requiring clean air and water qualities were adopted.

The US Gov. created the EPA, Environmental Protection Agency. to oversee these laws. All the States followed these regulations, and added additional requirements that enhanced these environmental laws. The end result was cleaner air and water.

You might ask who paid for the clean air and water. It's a very simple answer. The costs for keeping the environment clean eventually become the burden of the people. The equipment needed to manufacture the lifestyle we all want is added to the cost of making what we want.

The materialistic world that we live in is the cause of much of the pollution. If you wish, you can move away from the cities and industries causing the problems. I'm sure you can find areas that have yet been effected by these pollutants. However, you will find out how really small the world is when it catches up to you in the wind and the rain.

It will take time and money to repair today's issues with the environment. The longer people wait, the worse it gets and the more it costs. Set up the laws that require clean air and water then enforce them.

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