Opinion / China Dream in expats' eyes

Changing China through an expat's eyes

By Adam Rusek (chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2014-02-27 18:01

It is probably most complicated system in the World, mixing theoretical communist basis, and the self-free-market application...but it works. In fact - it works exceptionally good.

Ok, now there is slow-down period, but the Chinese "slow-down" may be the "development target" for many. What I see every day is, that people see the changes for good. Most of the Chinese citizens don't care if it is communist or capitalist market. Most important is - if they have their life better. And it is better than 20-30 years ago. In the villages - more solid buildings, in the cities - modern facilities, etc...

There are still some threats - corruption, speculative prices of some goods, etc. There are some experiments that didn't succeed - "ghost cities", etc. Why? Maybe because some people tried to make "too much regulations"?

Some corrections, some adjustments seems to be good, but if there is too much planning and to less adaptation... well...I wish the officials will go more by the way of water, that the way of fire. And then I think it will be even better than now. Deng Xiaoping developed "the way of water", after the "time of fire", so maybe it is better not to step back, even if some times ago the fire had been considered necessary.

Yes, I know that the "slow-down" happened when the China is close to the "World's average" level. Sure it was speeded-up by the gap. But, when the World have crisis - China is still developing. Even when export is lower - internal market grows, and have huge reserves.

Chinese international economy is quite interresting. China decided not to "export the democracy" on the decks of the warships as a cover operation for the economy influence and conquesting the resources. China is just buying whatever is needed... (maybe because have money?). Africa is a good example. This kind of the relations are more stable than the military conquest

and occupation, and ... I think much better for both sided.

What I think will be next? China in next decades will be the economy centre of the World, probably having RMB a "reference currency" for the economy exchange all over the World. Increasing the shere on the resources market (Asia, Africa, Australia), developing the domestic market, avoiding the import of readymade products (to balance import-export factors and provide sufficent employment level)...

After the crisis subsides - China will be the island of development, surrounded by still emerging markets of its western neighbors, and cooperating with the eastern.

This is the lesson of survival: survives not the strongest fighters, but the best gatherers.


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