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Laowai, is the term offensive?

Updated: 2014-07-03 08:03 ( bbs.chinadaily.com.cn)

Ted (US)

5 years ago, I was offended when someone pointing at me yelled out loud: 'Look! Laowai!'. It really depends on how this term is spoken: it can be just a statement, or an insult. These days I just don't care, after all, I am a foreigner. When it really gets to me occasionally, I yell back 'lao zhong' (Old Chinese) and glare at them. That usually stops any further comments.

Laowai, is the term offensive?

Laowai, is the term offensive? Laowai, is the term offensive? Laowai, is the term offensive?
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The original piece: http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/thread-879259-1-1.html

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