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A general overview for you to prepare for studying abroad

By MichaelM (blog.chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2014-07-09 17:13

3. Students fail to perform the necessary tasks required for fully preparing to start their first semester - I just read an article that said that 40% of students give up their dream of attending the school of their choice simply because they don't understand or know the requirements for beginning their first semester. Even after you've been accepted, there are still immunizations, financial arrangements, housing procurements and other requirements that need to be addressed before a student begins their first class.

How to remedy this? Most colleges/universities send checklists to students who have been accepted. Even if you haven't been accepted and are simply applying, schools will provide you easy-to-follow checklists of things that must be done. Look for the checklists and make sure you check off every item.

4. Students fail to meet deadlines. From the application to paying the first semester's tuition and deposits, schools have deadlines for everything. Most schools have early admissions deadlines as well as final admission deadlines. These deadlines must be met or you will disqualify yourself and delay your plans for your college career.

How to remedy this? Shoot for the early deadlines. Make yourself a calendar and post it in a prominent place where not only you will see it, but, perhaps where your parents will see it too. Make sure your parents are informed about the deadlines. In fact, make sure your parents are informed about every aspect of your activities for preparing for college. I realized a long time ago that I'm not good at making 'to do' lists. So, what I chose instead is to follow the motivational mantra of 'Do It Now'. I find that if I take immediate action on what needs to be done, I don't have to remember to do it later. Basically, I'm lazy and will procrastinate. If I hadn't disciplined myself to 'do it now' then I would procrastinate and make an otherwise simple task into a mountain I feel I must climb.

These are four general activities that must be accomplished for you to study abroad. Each one has several tasks that you'll need to do. However, these four will give you a general overview to help prepare you to study abroad.

The original blog is: http://blog.chinadaily.com.cn/blog-787069-20926.html

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