Opinion / Editorials

Oversight of approval process

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-08-29 07:39

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In order to be effective in the long term, the authorities should strictly follow the rule of law in streamlining administrative procedures and delegating power. That requires an updating of the Administrative Licensing Law, and strictly prohibiting local governments and agencies from "inventing" unauthorized administrative licensing programs.

Ma Huaide, professor at China University of Political Science and Law, Legal Daily, Aug 28

The central government has issued one reform policy after another but they are often distorted in implementation. The key problem lies in governments at the lower levels, where officials explain the policies in their own favor and refuse to change. More supervision and special training are needed to make sure the lower governments implement reform policies to the letter.

rmzxb.com.cn, Aug 28

While delegating power to lower branches, the State Council can better concentrate on supervision, especially on urgent issues such as people's health, people's legal rights and fair market competition. In 2013 alone, environmental protection departments handed to judicial branches more cases than all those over the previous 10 years, while medicine and food supervision departments also need restructuring.

People's Daily, Aug 28

Of all the measures adopted at the recent State Council meeting, the most creative must be the introduction of third-party evaluation of the progress of reform. That means social organizations have a greater role to play. But at the same time, many social organizations used to be affiliated to government agencies, with interest relations remaining even after they were separated. More efforts are needed to make social organizations truly independent.

china.com.cn, Aug 28

Many applaud the move to delegate power, but it is too early to be optimistic because the move will actually hurt some officials' interests and their resistance is inevitable. For example, they might delay its implementation, or make trouble for programs that no longer have to get their approval. It will take time to fully implement policies such as the delegation of power.

China Business News, Aug 27


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