Opinion / Forum Trends

Is a smartphone stealing away your life?

(bbs.chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2014-09-01 08:31

xuedongi60 (China)

Everyone can have a phone because it’s cheap, especially nowadays, phones have a lot of functions. We can install many apps to meet our demands. Now, many people have a feeling that they have an upset mood if their phones are not at their side. I remembered that we always seek some topics in sharing at a previous classmate’s party, but now it has changed, many people lower their heads to watch the little screen of their mobile phones. We have less communication than before. As for me, I do not like to play with a cell phone in my spare time.

Is a smartphone stealing away your life?

Young couple at home using mobile phones, June 1, 2013. [Photo/IC]

Is a smartphone stealing away your life? Is a smartphone stealing away your life?
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The original piece: http://bbs.chinadaily.com.cn/thread-1065333-1-1.html

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