2.Jiaohe Ruins

Situated to the west of Turpan are the Jiaohe Ruins from an ancient city on the Silk Road. With a history of 2,300 years, the Jiaohe Ruins lies between two rivers on a plateau atop a cliff more than 30 meters high. It is the largest, oldest and best-preserved earthen city in the world.

Jiaohe was the capital of the former Gushi Kingdom, which was first built in 60BC to the west of Turpan city. As early as 1961, the Ancient City of Jiaohe was listed in the first group of Key Cultural Relics Units under State protection. When traveling here, be sure to take plenty of water as you will walk for several kilometers on dry, barren land.



Turpan, the Land of Fire

The excavated Jiaohe Ruins enjoy equal fame with the ancient Loulan city. [Photo / Mu Mian]



Turpan, the Land of Fire

Ruins of walls bearing a zigzag pattern. [Photo / Mu Mian]



Turpan, the Land of Fire

The orderly arranged residential blocks on the high wall still retain traces of life in times gone by. [Photo / Mu Mian]



Turpan, the Land of Fire

Through a time tunnel of streets and alleys can still be found hints of the prosperity and majesty of the era almost 1,500 years ago. [Photo / Mu Mian]



Turpan, the Land of Fire

Now ruins, these walls witnessed the glory and majesty of the once thriving city. [Photo / Mu Mian]


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