Opinion / Hot Words

新增长极 (xin zengzhangji): New growth pole

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-03-24 08:11

Vice-Premier Zhang Gaoli attended the opening ceremony of China Development Forum 2015 on Sunday. In his keynote speech he emphasized that to adopt and lead the new normal of economic growth, which features slower but quality growth, the country should foster new economic growth poles and new economic belts.

Economic growth always appears and concentrates on industries with great innovation ability. And these industries are usually located in specific economic zones, creating a growth pole. So a growth pole may not be just an industrial sector or geographical region, but a set of industries with high vitality and innovation that may promote the rapid economic growth of a series of related industries.

The Chinese economy requires new drivers and structural reforms, and the next few years will be crucial for China's successful economic transition, especially in the face of severe downward economic pressure. New growth poles are therefore necessary to be the new drivers of China's economic growth in the new era. It is expected that the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region will become a growth pole along with the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta.

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