Opinion / Hot Words

绿色化(lvsehua): Greening

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-03-27 08:39

The concept of "greening" was advanced at a recent meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. The government recognizes that "greening" is one of the significant political tasks for the future besides "new industrialization, urbanization, informatization and agricultural modernization" that were advanced at the 18th CPC National Congress in late 2012.

The concept of "greening" has multiple meanings. First, it refers to a new production mode and industrial structure with the characteristics of high technology, low resource consumption and zero pollution. It's expected that the green industry will become a new driver for social and economic development.

Second, it refers to a green and low-carbon lifestyle that avoids extravagance, waste and irrational consumption.

Third, it includes ecological civilization in the socialist core value system, in order to promote a society that is ecologically and environmentally aware.

At the 18th CPC National Congress, construction of an ecological civilization was advanced as an important target along with economic, political, cultural and social construction.

The concept of a "beautiful China" was also advanced for the first time at that congress, which shows that the central government is paying great attention to greener development and environmental protection.

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