Opinion / Hot Words

超级推销员 (chāojí tuīxiāoyuán): Super salesman

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-04-01 07:59

Premier Li Keqiang frequently plays the role of a "super salesman" during his visits to foreign countries. From industries such as iron, cement and electricity generation to technologies such as nuclear power, high-speed railways, telecommunications and new energy, Li spares no effort in endorsing "made in China" technologies and products globally.

Li facilitates Chinese enterprises' "going global" strategy, creates new growth points and develops new drivers of cooperative development. Many Chinese products have excellent international competitiveness and Li's promotion of "made in China" technologies and products helps reduce the excess capacity in the domestic heavy industries that hinders China's economic development.

The deals he engineers also improve international cooperation and development. China has great experience in infrastructure construction and equipment production, which can help many foreign countries with infrastructure construction and promote local employment.

International commerce and cooperation can effectively improve China's influence in the global economy and also nurture common interests worldwide. What Li is promoting abroad is not just Chinese products, he is also promoting China to the world.

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