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猎狐2015(liehu 2015): Fox Hunt 2015

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-04-07 08:11

On April 1, the Ministry of Public Security launched a special campaign, known as "Fox Hunt 2015", to track down fugitives suspected of economic crimes and Party and government officials who had fled abroad.

It's a global consensus that the anti-corruption fight needs international cooperation.

"Fox Hunt 2015" is an upgraded version of "Fox Hunt 2014" launched last year, and an important part of the "Skynet" action initiated by the central anti-corruption coordination group. The Ministry of Public Security revealed that in the second half of 2014 it brought 680 suspects of economic crimes back to China from 69 countries and regions, which is 4.5 times the number in 2013.

The campaign this year is aimed at chasing corrupt officials or suspects of crimes related to their duties who have fled to other countries, and making efforts to recover the ill-gotten gains. The ministry will actively cooperate with other departments such as the Exit and Entry Administration Department to carry out this work.

The initiative will continue till the end of December.

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