5. Beijing Hutong

With narrow alleys and traditional courtyard houses, Hutong are always the best place to get close to real street life. Nanluo guxiang and The Smoke-bag Slanting Street are highly recommended.



Beijing, a city both ancient and modern (Part I)

Visitors walking around Beijing’s Hutongs. [Photo / Xia Baohe]



Beijing, a city both ancient and modern (Part I)

Foreign visitors walk by a shop in a hutong. [Photo / Xia Baohe]



Beijing, a city both ancient and modern (Part I)

A view of the famous hutong, the Smoke-bag Slanting Street. [Photo / Xia Baohe]



Beijing, a city both ancient and modern (Part I)

Candied Haw (Tanghulu) is a local snack in Beijing, especially in winter. [Photo / Xia Baohe]




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