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人类命运共同体 (renlei mingyun gongtongti): A community of common destiny for all mankind

(China Daily) Updated: 2015-04-27 08:02

At the summit of Asian and African Nations, President Xi Jinping gave a speech on Wednesday urging Asian and African countries to carry forward the Bandung Spirit and enhance cooperation to jointly build a community of common destiny for all mankind.

To achieve that goal, President Xi put forward a three-point proposal of solidarity, friendship and cooperation. He appealed to Asian and African countries to deepen cooperation with each other, in order to face challenges together. Second he called on expanding South-South cooperation and pointed out that cooperation with other developing countries in Latin America, the South Pacific and other regions is the key to maintaining world peace and promoting joint development. Third, he encouraged South-North cooperation and said that cooperation between the developing and developed countries should be based on mutual respect and equality.

Xi's three-point proposal shows China's broad vision and global perspective. There is a growing consensus that all peoples should seek collaborative development together as members of a community of common destiny to cope with common challenges.

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