Opinion / China Dream in expats' eyes

Yunnan - my most incredible destination in China

By Chandrasekaran Neelakandan / India (Chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2015-04-30 16:42

Yunnan - my most incredible destination in China
A black swan at Kunming Zoo.

To travel from one place to another has different purposes, people do not always travel to gain knowledge and experience, some travel for pleasure, some for business, but travelling is my passion. I feel that education and knowledge from books alone remain imperfect without travelling.

The elegance of beauty

never fades in the dusk;

The streaming ripples glitter

while sun turns to west;

The epoch shows the proof

for beauty of black;

She swims with the charms

in the cloudless climes;

And all that touch of dark and bright….

Travelling and visiting places have another important value, that of understanding other’s traditions and cultures. I feel that travelling is part of my journey of life and China is perfect for my thoughts as far as I am concerned. The beauty and cold of the hills, the charms of the valley, the chirping of birds, the singing river, are pleasant. It was really incredible to feel my thought comes true in China; the place where I travelled is Yunnan. It’s an incredible time in my life. Kunming the Ever Spring city

It is the mixture of beauty; I found that it was totally different from what I thought. On the way downtown from the airport, the city looked very similar to other urban cities in China. But after staying in Kunming for a couple of days I gradually fell in love with the city for the beauty of Kunming is mostly hidden from view and needs searching out. Kunming is more like a shy girl. It conceals its charms in secret corners. It’s evident that beauty is always hidden; like a pearl within an oyster, gold in its ore. It’s a place where nature preserves its beauty in various forms such as lakes and mountain skylines.

The spring arose in Kunming fair,

I felt the splendour everywhere;

Earth spins to change the flair,

But spring hugs Kunming forever.

Is the rhyme that I’m humming all the time while I think about Yunnan. I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose I would always greet it in Kunming.


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