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The lives of stay-at-home dads

The lives of stay-at-home dads

I still remember when I first found out that I was going to be a dad. The year was 2011 and my wife and I were living in a one-bedroom apartment in London, Ontario, Canada. I was finishing my master's degree and working part-time in a factory, and she was in a 9-5 job selling cosmetics at a local shopping mall. After another tiring day trying to make ends meet in Canada, I arrived home to see a home pregnancy test with the strip blue on it.

Frustrated with my life in Canada and trying to be "successful" after two years living there, I asked my wife, "What is this?" She replied, "What do you think it is?" That was March of 2011. After pondering over our future together and our life in Canada, I realized that we were both happier in China, the country we met, fell in love in, and forged a relationship together, so instead of trying to survive the Canadian system, I started searching for teaching jobs back in China.

After finding what both she and I deemed to be a good job, I accepted, and we were both on a plane back to Beijing to start our life and family. In hindsight, it turned out to be the right decision, because the job turned out to be the same one I'm currently working at in Beijing and have been promoted to senior English teacher of the international department. (More)
