Opinion / From the Readers

China-African summit can be of benefit to all

By Sidney Mangenda Tshiaba (chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2015-12-01 15:43

China-African summit can be of benefit to all

President Xi Jinping meets with South African President Jacob Zuma in Ufa, Russia, on July 9, 2015. Li Xueren / Xinhua

The forum on China-Africa cooperation will take place in South Africa, and more than 50 African heads of state and government are expected to attend. The summit, the first held on the continent, is said to promote the development of the China-Africa relationship and inspire ideas and solutions to address current and emerging global challenges.

The summit, I believe, will help enhance international investors' confidence in Africa and attract more attention and greater input to the continent at a time of even greater need for investment to create more jobs.

China-African summit can be of benefit to all

Sidney Mangenda Tshiaba [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

As the world's second largest economy, China's economic success in recent decades is something that can be copied in many African countries. With the continent's abundant natural resources, human labor and huge market potential, Africa is at the start of industrialization and China is willing and has the ability to be the ideal partner in the process in Africa.

The summit will also help build consensus on China-Africa and align the Chinese development agenda with that of Africa and also build mutual trust between China and Africa.

Yes, through helping the sustainable development of Africa, China will benefit. It would realize better development and Africa would benefit from the advantage of the Chinese equipment, technology and finance.

While African countries are going through the process of industrialization and modernization, China is undergoing structural economic adjustment for the transformation and upgrading of its industrialization. Therefore, the high degree of complementarities between China and Africa provides an important opportunity for the strategic alignment of the China-Africa development agenda.

I believe that through political trust and economic complementarities, we can work together as a force to propel development. China has always been a friend of Africa. I am very happy that the summit will focus on China-Africa cooperation, especially industrial, agricultural modernization which are top priorities for most African countries. I want this summit to be a win-win, where it will benefit all of us.

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