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12 stories that touched the heart in 2015

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2015-12-04 08:57

Firefighters: Steady presence at Tianjin blast site

"If we don't rush to the scene, who will?" the Guangzhou Daily highlighted a firefighter as saying. More than 1,020 firefighters risked their own lives to bring the fire at Tianjin blast site under control, a dedication that touched the whole country. Many stories about them spread widely, like a firefighter who sent a WeChat message to his colleague before starting his mission to Tanggu: "If I don't come back safely, please take care of my father and treat him like your own family." Many readers expressed their sympathies and prayed for them.

12 stories that touched the heart in 2015

Firefighters at the Tianjin blast site. [Photo/Xinhua]

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