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Why are Chinese students heading to the US?

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2016-05-20 15:47

Editor's note: The number of Chinese students studying in the US is at a record high, but with tuition fees set to rise, does it pay to attend university in the US? Are American schools far better than Chinese ones? Forum readers share their opinions.

Boston101 (US)

My daughter was born in China but is an American citizen (her mother, my wife, is Chinese; so she is mixed). We want her to be truly bilingual and culturally divergent. I own a condo in Boston, my wife owns one in Beijing. We decided that our daughter will go to American schools but will spend summers in Beijing. My next door neighbors in Boston are Chinese and their daughter was born in the US. They too are sending their daughter to American schools and summers in China. It seems that the consensus between us is that even though the Chinese schools are very good, they lack in creativity and application to real life situations. At the end of the day, what does matter is that they do go to college/university and find a job to survive.

Why are Chinese students heading to the US?

Chinese Graduates of Columbia University attend the commencement ceremony in New York City, United States, on May 20, 2015.[Photo/Xinhua]

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