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Brexit will not derail upbeat Sino-UK outlook

By William Spiers | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2016-08-12 13:19

With the coming of the Golden Era between the UK and China , during which President Xi Jinping was hosted By Queen Elizabeth in England, a long term bond was cemented between the two countries. Like all relationships, it will have its trials and tribulations, but the intent is to be long term, harmonious and positive to benefit both countries and their citizens.

Some say that the Brexit vote to leave Europe will turn China against The UK. How wrong they are, Britain offers the quality that China needs to complete its own way forward. These areas include technology, education, training, healthcare, smart cities, finance, creativity and innovation. This does not include the food sector where the UK and Northern Ireland flag, the Union Jack, symbolizes the quality and values of food processing in the global markets.

With the change in Prime Minister there has been a slight interruption on the Hinckley Point Nuclear Power project, but in the long term this will be considered a minor hiccup in the ongoing relationship.

The new Prime Minister May is cautious in signing the 30 Billion Pound deal only a week or so into her tenure. A reasonable thing to do with such a large amount involved. It will be signed in the best interest of both countries, but it must be noted that the French are involved too.

We should also look on the bright side. With the Pound devalued by about 10 percent there are so many opportunities for bargain Investment in the UK. Now is the time to purchase assets and make the most of cheaper holidays and tours. Education now offers some of the best value in the world to Chinese students, with some of the best schools and universities available.

A mix of Chinese focus and British lateral thinking from an early age will enhance both education systems, creating more students able to cope and become the future in both Government and business.

When the UK leaves the EU there will be many trade deals to negotiate with China but “where there is a will there is a way!”. The British are generally harmonious in nature, akin to the Chinese. If China wants or needs something, the British can find a way to supply it.

Moreover, the difference in business cultures is gradually narrowing but still a way to go. The British, by nature, are resilient, open, gentlemanly and patient. All these factors will bring the cultures more together.

Britain has a long and stable history, not as long as China’s 5,000 years, but enough in these modern times to show their trading partners and allies, particularly China, that the UK is, and will be, a reliable and trusted friend.

The author is the founder of both Spearhead Associates Ltd and Spearhead China Ltd , consultancies assisting foreign companies into China and advising Chinese companies on foreign investment and business dealings.

The opinions expressed here are those of the writer and don't represent views of China Daily website.

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