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北大去行政化改革(běidà qùxíngzhènghuà gǎigé):Peking University administrative reform

China Daily | Updated: 2016-11-14 07:22

Lin Jianhua, president of Peking University, has reportedly said the university will implement an appointment system among its teachers, cancelling the administrative ranks and signing contracts with them instead. This would be a significant move of administrative reform by the university.

It is now a consensus that administrative ranks in higher education undermine the quality of education. The medium and long-term plan for national education reform and development (2010-20) issued in July, 2010, included canceling the administrative management system in universities and colleges.

But up to now, no public university has cancelled the administrative ranks. It shows the huge difficulties colleges face in ending the use of the administrative ranking system because of the opposition from their staff who would no longer be able to enjoy the benefits and welfare that come with the administrative ranks. Such reform involves a complicated adjustment of the entire education system.

As the country's one of top universities, Peking University's reform is a significant pioneering move to implement the requirement of the national education reform and development plan.

The public expects Peking University's reform will set a good example for other colleges to follow. Education and academic affairs should be led by teachers and academic committees, rather than the administrative officials.

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