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新兴服务型大国(xīnxīng fúwùxíng dàguó): Emerging services-oriented country

China Daily | Updated: 2016-11-16 07:22

In his meeting with the leaders of Central Asian and East European countries early this month, Premier Li Keqiang said building China into an emerging country oriented toward services would deepen cooperation with countries in these regions.

Li said the international order China advocates differs from the previous one which was dominated by the will of Western countries, because the cooperation China promotes, instead of only serving big countries' interests, is mutually beneficial and originates from the practical needs of partners.

China is using its wisdom and following its own path to prove there are alternative cooperation models. Li said China is happy to see the prosperity and development of its partners, and does not enforce any political conditions upon bilateral cooperation.

Li said the government is constructing China into a regional or even global services-oriented country to create and provide international public goods to the international community.

Experts say Li's remarks show China does not believe in the Western mentality of antagonism, and is providing a new approach that is outside the box of the Western hegemony-dominated paradigm in international relations.

China encourages some people to get rich first, and then lets them play an important role in helping the rest out of poverty. Li said this practice is also of reference value for some less-developed countries and regions on the Eur-asian continent.

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