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Xi's book offers insight into governance

By Jiang Jianguo | China Daily | Updated: 2017-04-15 07:29

I am very pleased to come to Pakistan for the launch ceremony of the Urdu version of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China with Pakistani friends. On behalf of the Department of Publicity of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China, I warmly welcome the friends who have come here to attend the launch event and express my heartfelt thanks to the friends from various circles who have made contributions to the publication of this book!

Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, a collection of President Xi Jinping's 79 speeches and articles from November 2012 to June 2014, is a basic guideline that reflects his thoughts on the governance of China. Since being first published, more than 6.2 million copies of the book in 16 languages have been circulated across the world. Today, the Urdu version of this book before all of us carries the scent of ink. It will help build a new platform for mutual communication, mutual reference and mutual learning between China and Pakistan on governance of the nation, and serve as a new witness to the enhanced friendship of the two neighbors.

In the more than four years since the 18th National Congress of the CPC in late 2012, China has continuously created new "lists of achievements" in various causes.

The country's reform has been deepened in all aspects, its economy has made continuous advancements, its society has maintained harmony and stability, and its people have been living and working in peace and contentment.

Xi's book offers insight into governance

All these achievements have been made under the guidance of President Xi's thoughts on China's governance and because of the joint struggle of Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Xi as the core.

In April 2015, President Xi paid a visit to your honorable country, and in a speech titled "Building the China-Pakistan community of shared destiny, and open a new journey for win-win cooperation" he put forward five proposals on the development of China-Pakistan friendship, winning positive response from Pakistani friends.

To build a human community of shared destiny is an important concept embodied in President Xi's thoughts on governance of the nation, and this concept has been included in the resolutions passed by the United Nations organizations.

Why has Xi's governance philosophy got high endorsement from the international community? Here, I would like to share some of my personal views with all you friends.

First, President Xi hits the bull's eye with his important thought with regard to the main contradictions of the current human society and offers a golden key for resolving numerous thorny issues in the world.

In the current world, peace, development, cooperation and win-win have become the themes of the times. On the other hand, the world is also being plagued by feeble economic growth and faces a turbulent situation, and the emergence of some problems has led human society to a crossroad. In such a big world facing numerous problems, we do need great wisdom for global governance.

President Xi's advocacy of building a human community of shared destiny is aimed at building an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world with lasting peace, widespread safety and common prosperity, and it points out the development direction for human society and offers a new solution to ticklish issues worldwide.

Second, President Xi's such an important thought offers the Chinese solution with unique Oriental wisdom and embodies China's responsibility, of caring about the shared destiny of humankind. Such concepts as "one world, one family" are a value pursuit and humanistic spirit of Chinese culture on the nation's governance. Chinese people hope to have a better life not only for themselves, but also for the people in the rest of the world.

At a time when China's economy is experiencing stable and robust development, we welcome all countries to get a free ride on the fast-driving Chinese train. In today's world when isolationism, protectionism and a counter-globalization current have emerged, President Xi's advocacy of "building a human community of shared destiny" reflects China's courage to undertake responsibilities and its wisdom to be good at undertaking responsibilities.

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