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档案造假 (dàng'àn zàojiǎ):Falsified personal records

China Daily | Updated: 2017-04-26 07:50

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Communist Party of China, the Party's top anti-graft body, released the corrective action report of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee on Monday. The report outlines the actions taken in response to the findings of the central commission's inspection of Gansu province. It states that two department-level officials and three county-level officials have been dealt with according to the law and regulations because they falsified their personal records.

On the same day, the corrective action report submitted by the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee also stated it had strengthened the management of officials' personal files.

Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, many falsified personal records of officials from the grassroots up have been exposed. The falsified information includes their age, length of service, academic background and working experience. Some officials' personal files are total fiction except for their gender.

According to the Party's disciplinary regulations, any officials who falsify their personal records will be punished. But the number of cases exposed till now indicates that the cost of falsifying personal records is too small. The price officials pay for falsifying their personal information must be higher.

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