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Safety tips for studying abroad

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-06-24 09:02

RonJaDa (Canada)

I believe the feeling of safety is in our minds but true safety comes from due diligence. Applying common sense to minimize the amount of risk you expose yourself to while bravely and boldly living your life and applying yourself. Is it worth the risk to me? The answer is YES. That is why I travel to USA, China, Philippines and other foreign countries. I believe I make a difference not at the national level by myself but together with the outreach of all the other individuals. It combines to make this world a better place, one positive action at a time.

Safety tips for studying abroad

Chinese Graduates of Columbia University pose for photos at the commencement ceremony in New York City, United States, on May 20, 2015. [Photo/Xinhua]

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