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Should school campuses be turned into scenic spots?

People's Daily Online | Updated: 2017-08-03 10:17

Should school campuses be turned into scenic spots?

Campus view at Sichuan Technology and Business College [Photo/cnr.cn]

Sichuan Technology and Business College announced it would start collecting construction plans for the school campus on July 27, 2017. The college intends to make the campus a 3A level scenic spot. The news has sparked an online debate about whether it is appropriate for campuses to become scenic spots.

A supporter who goes by the pseudonym Fengtaiweiyu believes college resources should be shared by the whole society and not isolated from external influences. Feng, another supporter, thinks campuses and cultural environments are worth visiting.

Experts from the Sichuan Provincial Tourism Association noted that universities and colleges are unique cultural institutions. The construction of campus scenic spots provides opportunity for education and tourism and improves the campus environment while increasing reputation to attract more students.

Opponents say education and safety concerns are more important. A commentary published by Guangming Online about a college located in Sichuan province said famous scenic areas, including Dujiangyan and Mount Qingcheng, are not far from campus, but the college itself has no cultural or natural heritage and artificial scenery holds no special value. As a place for education, academic research, and talent training, universities shouldn’t put the cart before the horse.

Tsinghua University on Jul. 12 announced that the university is an academic institution and not a scenic spot, adding that the campus is free and open to all during weekends, legal holidays, and summer and winter breaks (Monday excluded).

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