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Five years of accomplishments

China Daily | Updated: 2017-10-18 07:41

Five years of accomplishments

Aerial photo taken on Sept 22, 2017 shows the scenery of the Saihanba forest in North China's Hebei province. [Photo/Xinhua]

Strong leadership vital to Party and China

THE COMMUNIST Party of China's strong leadership has helped China make significant progress over the past five years, says an article published in People's Daily. Excerpts:

Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the Party leadership has laid solid foundations for China's further comprehensive development. With scientific strategies and outstanding competence, the Party, led by General Secretary Xi Jinping, remains committed to improving people's livelihoods and further developing the country and the Party itself.

The core role of Xi in the leadership, which was made clear at the Sixth Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee, has helped promote China's long-term stability and prosperity.

The reforms have deepened, and only a strong leadership can guarantee their success.

The power of a new development philosophy

NEW IDEAS, new strategy and new thinking have furthered China's development, and they will guide the country toward a new era of quality development, says an article on xinhuanet.com. Excerpts:

The five concepts of development-innovation, coordination, green, openness and shared development initiated at the Fifth Plenum of the 18th CPC Central Committee-have propelled China to develop in a sustainable manner. They also are China's road map to build a moderately well-off society in an all-round way, and address many challenges during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) period.

Thanks to the guidance of the development philosophy of the Party with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core, China has made significant achievements. For example, it has deepened supply-side reform, proposed the Belt and Road Initiative, started the integration of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and expedited the development of the high-speed railway network. Progress has also been made in social security, public services and poverty alleviation.

All this has made Chinese people more confident about the country's development.

Reforms are totally people-oriented

CHINA'S REFORMS have been people-oriented over the past five years and yielded great results in many aspects, says an article in Economic Daily. Excerpts:

After a profound analysis of social development in the past, the Party is committed to ensuring the new round of reforms benefit the people. Because the Party with General Secretary Xi Jinping at the core has deepened the reforms in order to improve people's well-being, the reforms have enjoyed overwhelming public support since they were first implemented.

Rule of law leads to a better society

CHINA HAS made remarkable progress over the past five years in advancing the rule of law. As a result, improved governance has been playing a vital role in building a peaceful nation, says an article in Legal Daily. Excerpts:

President Xi Jinping has said that the rule of law must contribute to social governance.

The rule of law, with well-defined responsibilities, transparent procedures and foresight, is therefore the best governance approach. Many local governments have made efforts to keep power in the cage of law.

Besides, the rule of law has helped address disputes. For example, addressing complaints and appeals had long been a problem because of the lack of specific laws and regulations. But now, different administrative and legal bodies treat complaints and appeals according to specific laws and regulations.

Also, owing to the Belt and Road Initiative, complicated international disputes have increased. The court of Pudong free trade zone in Shanghai has mediated in 602 such cases involving about 548 million yuan ($83.3 million).

To crack down on cyber crimes, which account for one-third of the total number of criminal cases in China, a well-coordinated mechanism that involves 23 government departments has been put in place to target telecom fraud cases.

Ideological leadership is of great importance

THE PARTY WILL continue to attach great importance to ideological work, which has helped China make historic achievements, says an article in qstheory.cn. Excerpts:

Since its 18th National Congress in 2012, the CPC with General Secretary Xi Jinping at its core has attached more importance to ideological work. The Party has reinforced ideology with updated theories and fought against negative thoughts. This has helped strengthen the leadership and made China confident of its development model.

The changes over the past five years owing to the more active and positive ideological work have made the Party realize that ideological instruction is integral to the security of the State and the Party. In this regard, the "color revolutions" showed the dangers that weak ideological work could cause to national security.

Since the Chinese society is becoming increasingly pluralistic, the Party will continue to attach utmost importance to ideological work in order to reinforce people's confidence in the Party and the nation.

Eco-friendly strategy for ecological civilization

THE PARTY HAS included the ecological civilization theory into its development strategy, which promotes more eco-friendly development means, says an article on Guangming Daily's website. Excerpts:

Ecological civilization, an important part of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, was added to the all-round economic, political, cultural, diplomatic and environmental development plan after the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012.

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, attaches great importance to ecological civilization. Given China's realities, Xi has said, ecological and economic developments both are of great significance because ecological development helps economic development in the long run.

Ecological development should be based on an efficient institution, including a survey of the environmental capacity and the development of different resources, because nature needs time and space to recover. For example, green development calls for following the rules of nature in order to make economic development sustainable, and resources need to be recycled to reduce the environmental harm caused by economic consumption.

Building an integrated military-civilian sector

THE INNOVATIVE, coordinated development of the military-civilian sector is vital to the modernization of the People's Liberation Army, which will increasingly rely on improved high-technology hardware and software reform, says an article in PLA Daily. Excerpts:

Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, has called for structural and institutional reforms to promote the technological integration of the military and civilian sectors.

The integration will gradually lead to win-win cooperation, yielding increased productivity, competitiveness and combat capabilities.

Currently, the integration of the military and civilian sectors faces problems such as overlapping functions, duplication of management and inactive market.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the Party has elevated the military-civilian integration project to a national strategy, and established the Central Commission of Integrated Military and Civilian Development to make the strategy successful.

Since the key to military-civilian integration lies in innovation, institutional reform that can deal with the challenges of the project is necessary.

Major-country diplomacy good for world

CHINA'S PRACTICE of "major-country diplomacy" has helped create a stable environment for its peaceful rise, says an article on cnr.cn. Excerpts:

Based on the profound understanding of China's conditions, President Xi Jinping, who is also the general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, propounded the theory of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the theory has grown into an instructive system of diplomacy, which is aimed at building a peaceful environment for China's development.

The theory includes respect for the world order, responsibilities for global development and protection of national interests. It pursues peaceful development and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation, by building a community of shared destiny for humankind.

Moreover, China has played the role of a responsible country in many international issues and promoted infrastructure construction in, and economic development of developing countries, through projects and institutions such as the Belt and Road Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.

Strict governance important for Party

THE PARTY HAS made tremendous achievements in self-governance over the past five years. Therefore, while pushing forward the endeavor, it should also make necessary adjustments as the campaign has reached a new stage, says an article in Study Times. Excerpts:

The Party has implemented an eight-point frugality code to regulate its members' behavior in a bid to fight formalism, outdated bureaucrat practices, hedonism and extravagance.

And the anti-corruption campaign, which has entrapped both "tigers and flies" (high-and lower-ranking corrupt officials), has strengthened the Party's leadership.

By following the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the Party has gained valuable experience. But despite people appreciating the Party's achievements over the past five years, the CPC should continue to improve self-governance.


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