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Should parents push children to take up extracurricular classes?

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-10-30 14:48

Editor's note: Chinese parents are known for placing really high expectations on their children. They are often willing to pay a lot of money for different extracurricular classes for their kids' academic excellence. A grade 5 pupil in Hangzhou is reportedly to take 10 extracurricular training classes each week. Forum readers share their opinions.

RealMadrid1 (Germany)

Encourage them to have interests outside of school, but never force them - they will only resent you later, and not enjoy the activity that you pushed them into.

A new-born child has a natural desire to learn and experience new things. Nurture that aspect when they are babies, and it will remain with them for life, suppress it (spoil them, do everything for them), and they will depend on you to push them into everything.

Should parents push children to take up extracurricular classes?

With the hope of sending their children to the world's renowned universities and escaping from the stressful competition of the National Higher Education Entrance Exam, more parents are sending their children to international schools despite the colossal expenses. [File photo]

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