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Outdated virtues still being used to subjugate women

China Daily | Updated: 2017-12-05 08:05

"WHEN YOUR HUSBAND beats you, enjoy it. When he uses dirty words against you, tolerate it. You are a female and you should stay at the bottom of society." These are quotes from a so-called female virtue training agency in Liaoning province. Hebnews.cn comments:

The quotes have aroused fierce condemnation after they were spread online. They have no appeal to the public at all, because they are contrary to gender equality.

The "female virtues" advocated by these so-called training agencies were discarded more than 100 years ago, and today there is no longer any debate about the role of women in society. Yet a question emerges: How do these "female virtue" training agencies still survive today? Why do they have women willing to be indoctrinated with such outdated values? Some of them were reported to have long lines of young women applying to join their courses at the gate.

Reports show that the majority of the women attending such courses do so because their husbands required them to, or their companies organize groups of female employees to take the courses.

That makes it easier to understand the phenomena. More than 100 years after China became a modern society, there are still men who want their wives or their employees to be submissive so they can exploit them more.

The latest news says that the local education authority has already closed the training agency in Liaoning for illegal schooling. However, in order to root out the idea of gender inequality, it needs the participation of the whole of society. Only in this way will female inequality disappear from our society.

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