Opinion / China Dream in expats' eyes

Chinese Dream in expat's eyes

Since Chinese President Xi Jinping first used the concept of "Chinese Dream" on Nov. 29, 2012 in Beijing, it has resonated with the world's common aspiration of development. Here we bring stories by expats who pursue their own Chinese Dream.

China love story: a baby changes everything

[2015-09-21 14:20]

In a realtionship, we may unexpectedly find that our values or beliefs are at odds with our partner's, but with some patience and empathy, I think most difficulties can be overcome.

I never expected to marry a Chinese man

[2015-09-19 10:10]

Sometimes, the best things in life come about when you’re willing to transcend your past and embrace a completely different future…or husband.

A cross-cultural marriage, one year later

[2015-09-15 15:33]

Any marriage will succeed, in my opinion, regardless of race or culture, if one simple habit is cultivated by both parties. Essentially always put the other person first.

"I advocated for better anti-domestic violence legislation."

[2015-01-22 16:29]

I devoted a lot of effort this past year into advocacy work for domestic violence victims and better anti-domestic violence legislation. I put my teaching and writing on hold to concentrate on this important work. I was very happy to see the draft law released to the public last month. Of course I hope this law will be put into effect in 2015.

I will continue with this meaningful work, but I hope that I will be able to spend more time on my other passions as well!

"I went to Antarctica."

[2015-01-22 16:29]

I hope to go to the Arctic in 2015. In July or August, I plan to take a boat from the Longyearbyen, a city in northeast Norway, go all the way to the north and land on some small islands.

My final destination is around 81 degrees north latitude. Maybe that will not be the right time to see the Aurora Borealis during my trip, but I really hope I can take some pictures of polar bears, walruses and other animals. I can perhaps shoot the polar bears hunting if I’m lucky. It is pity that I didn’t get pictures a humpback whale leaping out of the water in Antarctica, so I hope I can make up for it in the Arctic.

Connotations of Chinese Dream

[2013-12-24 16:31]

Inspired by the Chinese Dream, more and more people have begun to chase their own dreams, including dreams to receive better education, start businesses, purchase homes and get rich. People firmly believe that as long as they work hard, their dreams would come true.

Chinese dream and China's governance

[2014-01-06 15:29]

A great deal will depend on how Xi Jinping will actually implement the core features of the program he has laid out and how he will seek to create incentives and constituencies to support his programmatic goals.In sum, President Xi has now made very clear where he stands and where he wants the country to go under his leadership, and he has achieved wide-ranging endorsement of this overall program.

World dialogue on the Chinese Dream

[2013-12-24 16:31]

The “Personal Chinese Dream” focuses on the well-being of individual Chinese citizens and thus modifies traditional notions of the primacy of the collective over the individual. The dream of the Personal is balanced with the dream of the National. In fact, the fulfillment of The Personal Chinese Dream constitutes a good part of what it means to fulfill the National Chinese Dream.

The year of Chinese Dream

[2013-12-24 16:31]

Distinct from the American Dream, the Chinese Dream cannot be a narrative of pure newness. It is the imagining of a better future with the memory of 4,000 years of history, a movement of renaissance expressed in the vision of "civilizational China".

The Chinese dream and peaceful development

[2013-12-24 16:31]

The most difficult issue in the region now is the the relationship between China and Japan regarding overlapping claims on the Diaoyu, or Senkaku, islands group. The problem is residual from World War II, and the historical part of the issues is complicated. That is why Japan PM Abe’s revisionist statement on World War II and its impact does not help.

Defeat challenges, realize Chinese Dream

[2013-12-24 16:31]

High economic growth in recent decades may have made China more confident of realizing the Chinese Dream, but the country's new leaders face serious challenges that could hamper their efforts to realize the goal.First and foremost is the need to fight widespread corruption. Making this his main priority, President Xi warned that corruption could lead to "the collapse of the Party and the downfall of the State".
